交通银行始建于1908年,是早期的四大银行及发钞行之一,也是唯一总部设在上海的国有股份制商业银行,于2005年6月和2007年5月分别在香港联交所和上海证券交易所挂牌上市。交通银行中国最主要的金融服务供应商之一,业务范围涵盖商业银行、证券、信托、基金、保险等综合性金融服务。2019年,交通银行已连续11年跻身《财富》 (FORTUNE) 世界500强,营业收入排名第150位;连续3年稳居《银行家》 (The Banker) 全球干家大银行一级资本排名第11位。交通银行上海市分行于1987年4月正式开业,是交通银行系统内历史最悠久、业务量最大、产品和服务最丰富的省直分行之一。截止2019年末,上海市分行共有正式员工4749人,下辖营业网点131家,实现了上海市所有行政区域网点全覆盖。 Hongkou District has been the first district in Chin a to make the development of the wealth management sector its strategic priority as earlyas the start of the 12 Five-Year Plan. As of September 2020,the district is home to more than 1, /00 tinancial firms,up from 78 at the andof the 11th Five-Year period. These financial firms manage aggregated assets of six trillion RMB,and tax revenues from financial firmehave jumped about 20%of the total tax revenues from enterprises,up trom less than 3%o at the end or the 11th Five-Year period Atprecont various types of financial firms,with the exception of trust companies,are registered in hongkou. Nearly 1/8 of China's mutual s management companies have moved into Hongkou. Hongkou is also the home to Chinas tirstneage tuna park and China's first hloobat lab and previous global blockchain summits are held here. [展开]